Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dig, Dig, Diggers

Our neighbours had some excavating done a month or two ago, which sparked Little Bro's interest in obsession with diggers and heavy machinery. I dug out a few of Big Bro's old favourites, which Little Bro now can't get enough of. Top of his list are:

Dig, Dig, Digging by Margaret Mayo- this is a series of catchy short verses about diggers and other mostly-construction vehicles:
Diggers are good at dig, dig, digging...
Fire engines are good at race, race, racing...
Cranes are good at lift, lift, lifting....
They can work all day, and Little Bro could listen to it all day.

Dazzling Diggers by Ant Mitton and Tony Parker- this is part of a series of catchy rhymes about different vehicles- Flashing Fire Engines, Tremendous Tractors, Roaring Rockets etc. Some of the rhymes work better than others (Dazzling Diggers is my favourite) but each page of every book has enough heavy machinery action to keep Little Bro enthralled.

Don't tell the American Association for Pediatrics, but I've also been showing Little Bro YouTube clips of diggers. I can't say I find them exciting- diggers making holes, diggers loading trucks, diggers dredging rivers, diggers carrying people, diggers dancing..... but Little Bro loves them. So much so that I have cut back on DiggerTube when Little Bro started handing me the iPad with a hopeful "digger?" The most interesting thing the clips have taught me is that there is Digger Land in the UK where "families can drive heavy machinery". I guess that could be us one day.....!!!

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