Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Kutz on the Block

My boys are not keen on haircuts- so much so that after a few attempts with Big Bro (in the last of which, the hairdresser snipped her finger in her valiant effort to give Big Bro a decent cut) we struck a deal- he would sit still for me to cut his hair, but if he couldn't do that then we would return to a professional. With the help of online tutorials like this, I managed a few passable cuts- never great, but not too bad. Then Little Bro's hair got to the "is she a girl?" stage, and I faced having to cut the hair of a wriggly one year old, which looked pretty terrible as Little Bro's hair is sparser than Big Bro's so my poor cutting skills resulted in a style somewhere between moth-eaten and horribly ill. Fortunately a friend had mentioned a hairdressers, Tabi's Kidz Kutz in Thornbury, which specialises in children.

They were certainly set up for the job- toys everywhere,DVDs on tap, and the choice of an adult-size barber seat, a child-size seat or a toy car for the kids to sit in while having their hair cut.
And the hairdressers were fantastic- they were able to get Big Bro chatting within a few minutes, which is no mean feat for a stranger, and managed a great cut on Little Bro, despite his initial apprehension. Even more amazingly, Big Bro decided that he might even let his hair be cut- as long as he could sit on my lap. Hooray!

Relieved of my tonsorial duties, I felt that $18 for each child was very reasonable for good cuts and a great atmosphere.

Tabi's Kidz Kutz, 58 Wales St, Thornbury- Tel 9416 9411- open 7 days.


Gina said...

Wow, that looks superb. Cutting my No2 child's hair is an absolute nightmare, I wonder if it would work for him?

_vTg_ said...

Definitely worth a try- Big Bro's tonsorphobia was pretty severe in normal hair dressers yet this place managed without a tear! My friend's daughter describes it as the play room where they cut hair.

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