Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kids in the kitchen

I consider cooking to be one of my hobbies. Admittedly one that parenthood has pushed towards the back burner (!), but I enjoy experimenting with flavours and textures, and bringing about the transformation of a group of single ingredients into a dish, and a group of dishes into a meal. I'd love my boys to develop their own love of cooking, or at very least to understand where their meals come from, and how they got there. Of course, growing own food is one aspect of this; the other side is including the boys in food preparation.

When possible, I try to include Big Bro in age-appropriate cooking activities. He loves turning on the mixer or, with guidance, measuring out volumes or weights. "I tip that one?" is a common request. Of course, sometimes things get a bit messy; sometimes things don't work.

I'd like to share some of our cooking adventures with you. The recipes won't be anything fancy; it's more just an idea of things my boys have been involved with in the kitchen. As always, comments and ideas for future culinary exploration would be very welcome!

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