Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Freesias abroad

Our freesias have been going strong, but I wanted to share a couple of photos of other people's that I've taken while out and about...

I've been spotting a whole range of naturalised freesias popping up from lawns and nature strips:
I'd love to be able to work naturalised bulbs into our lawns. On a large scale- bigger than I could do- the effect is stunning. The best example I've seen, in my limited travels, has been the purple fields of crocuses on the Cambridge Backs. I don't have my photos at hand, but there are plenty of better ones in Google Images.

I'm always impressed by bulbs' survival abilities. These brilliant red freesias are in a very neglected garden:

The yellow amongst the reds reminded me of a Ken Duncan tulip photo which has been made into one of those pithy inspirational posters:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NU has the most amazing displays of bulbs every spring. I've never seen anything like it.

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